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Watercress and its nutritional value.

Watercress is an easy vegetable to eat. Which can be eaten fresh in salads or used in other dishes. 100 grams of watercress provides only about 11 calories. Fat-free and is rich in important nutrients for the body, as follows: Watercress is a vegetable rich

How to choose fruit juice to drink to get the benefits?

Those who love or choose to drink fruit juice instead of eating fresh fruits and vegetables should control the amount to be appropriate. They should not drink more than 1 small glass or 150 milliliters per day and drink it. With meals and brush their teeth

Safety in consuming passion fruit.

Passion fruit is considered safe in normal amounts found in food. For other forms of consumption, such as tea or for medicinal purposes, it should be used for less than two months. However, there are some precautions to take: Can cause side effects such as

Citrus fruits That Are Full of Health Benefits.

Different types of citrus fruits contain different nutrients that are essential for the body, resulting in different health benefits as follows:  1. Orange Oranges come in many varieties, such as tangerines, mandarin oranges, yuzu oranges, kumquats, and pomelo. All types of oranges are rich in citric