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 Panic disorder.

    Panic disorder is a psychiatric disorder that is not well known to many people. Cause many people to get sick and not know it. Let’s get to know ready to explore yourself.     Suddenly, his heart was beating fast, he was uncomfortable, his chest was tight, he couldn’t breathe,

Influenza is a popular disease.

Influenza is another disease that is common in Thailand. They can occur throughout the year. But the most prevalent outbreaks are during the rainy season and winter. Influenza can be divided into 3 types according to the strain of the influenza virus: A , B , and C.

A new person.

Good health can be created. If we intend to change ourselves into a new person. Change your lifestyle and diet by trying to reduce the causes of our health deterioration. Whether consuming social media lack of time to exercise. I have 5 easy ways to take care of your

6 ways to take care of your hair.

For many girls maybe have dry, frizzy, weightless, shiny hair and don’t know how to take care of your hair. Today we have techniques for hair care that you can do yourself at home. Guarantee that it won’t be long, soft and smooth hair. Weight and shine will definitely appear.Let’s go

Can we wear a mask for running?   wearing a mask for exercise This may be done if we do light exercise that doesn't make you feel very tired.

Can we wear a mask for running?

         Can we wear a mask for running?   wearing a mask for exercise This may be done if we do light exercise that doesn’t make you feel very tired. Does not cause rapid breathing or breathlessness such as walking, but if wearing a jogging mask especially if

7 causes of insomnia and fixing tips.

7 causes of insomnia and fixing tips

7 causes of insomnia and fixing tips. “Insomnia” Getting enough sleep is one of the most important factors in life. The need for sleep of people is not the same because it depends on age. Babies need 16 hours of sleep a day, teenagers need 9 hours a day,

How can covid-19 be infected?

How can covid-19 be infected?

Let’s review again. How can covid-19 be infected? COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person. It can enter the body through two channels. By inhaling the secretions of infected people.  It caused by coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, shouting, laughing, etc. And exposure to droplet secretions

Prevent Covid-19 That floats in the air how well?

Prevent Covid-19 That floats in the air how well?

Prevent Covid-19 That floats in the air how well? When the droplets from a sneeze travel up to 8 meters, is 2 meters spacing enough? Distance is still necessary, at least to protect yourself from the large droplets. Such as saliva or snot that may contain COVID-19,

The risk of contracting COVID-19

The risk of contracting COVID-19 mixed with sneezing droplets

The risk of contracting COVID-19 mixed with sneezing droplets. People infected with COVID-19 Can be transmitted through droplets from sneezing, coughing, talking, etc., But the risk of getting people with COVID-19 floating in the air depending on location and humidity factors. The risk of contracting COVID-19 Floating in the air

How many types of COVID-19 vaccines are there?

How many types of COVID-19 vaccines are there?

How many types of COVID-19 vaccines are there? Vaccines against COVID-19 can be divided into 4 main types according to the method of production. mRNA vaccines  mRNA vaccines are the production of vaccines using part of the genetic code of the virus injected into the body. like